Our good friend Brad Friedman (BradBlog.com) has created a list of helpful tips as you head out to vote today.  Here is a sample, and you can find the full list at BradBlog.com:

  • If you have problems or see problems at the polls, be sure to report them to 866-OUR-VOTE, or at OurVoteLive.org!
  • Catch any problems at the polls on photo or video? Upload it to YouTube and social sites, and tell VideoTheVote.org! Also tag it with the #VideoTheVote hashtag.
  • Be at the polls when they close and photograph and video tape the results tapes that are printed out from electronic systems. Results have a way of changing between the time they’re printed out at the close of polls and the time they show up on the web. Your photographic evidence could help save an election!
  • Watching results on the web throughout the night? Take screenshots, save them as you go, and include a timestamp in the filename when you do. Those web results also have a way of changing, sometimes in the wrong direction, throughout the night. Your evidence could help save an election!

Even more helpful tips to protect your vote, and our democracy, available at BradBlog.com!