Clue: the individual is nothing more than a narcissistic, insecure, chauvinistic, racist who believes that he is better than everyone else. If elected president, he would have our country in endless wars in his effort to occupy the entire world.


If you guessed Donald Trump, you are right.

This tweet is not only repulsive, but completely ignorant and chauvinistic. Trump wants us to live during a time when women could not vote, were forced to stay home, have children, cook, clean, and have sex whenever and wherever the husband demanded. It’s the exact mentality that caused his lawyer to recently state that a husband could not rape a wife.

As stated in the beginning, Trump is nothing more than a narcissistic, insecure, chauvinistic, racist who believes that he is better than everyone else. If he were ever elected president, which will never occur, he would absolutely lead this country to financial ruin, just as he has done with numerous of his businesses. He absolutely would have us in endless wars in his efforts to occupy the world. He is identical to all other present and past fascist leaders. They artificially create this persona of greatness and strength to deal with their self-realization that they are miniscule.