Pennsylvania attorney general Kathleen Kane said that the criminal charges against her are part of a “grand plan” to cover up pornographic and racist emails sent between various judges and prosecutors, reported Talking Points Memo.

“I am innocent of any wrongdoing,” said Kane. “I neither conspired with anyone nor did I ask or direct anyone to do anything improper or unlawful.”

Kane called upon a judge to publicize a “filthy email chain” that led to last year’s Pennsylvania porn scandal, in which Kane fired four employees and disciplined 27 others after an internal investigation revealed a chain of sexually explicit emails containing explicit photos, videos, and jokes. The investigation led to the resignation of a state Supreme Court justice. Kane said those involved worked to keep the scandal a secret.

“Some involved in this filthy email chain have tried desperately to ensure that these emails, and more importantly their attachment to it, never see the light of day,” said Kane.

Because of her resolute handling of the email porn scandal, Kane believes the current charges of perjury and conspiracy are unfounded and retaliatory. Kane is accused of leaking secret grand jury information to the press in order to sabotage her political rivals. Kane says the leak investigation is a “stealth political weapon” designed to remove her from office.

Kane remains steadfast in her defense that she did nothing illegal.

“My defense will not be that I am the victim of some old-boys’ network,” she said. “It will be that I broke no laws of the Commonwealth. Period.”