At least 32 million names, addresses, and phone numbers have been released in the massive Ashley Madison hack. A various number of politicians were found to have been included in the recent data dump. One such politician is Jason Dore, Executive Director of the Louisiana Republican Party.

According to Dore, he only created an account for “opposition research” to dig up dirt on his political rivals. Is that true, or is he covering himself? Dore used to run a law firm, and he claimed to have done the research for political purposes.

“As the state’s leading opposition research firm, our law office routinely searches public records, online databases and websites of all types to provide clients with comprehensive reports,” said Dore. “Our utilization of this site was for standard opposition research. Unfortunately, it ended up being a waste of money and time.”

Considering the fear felt by government officials in the wake of the Ashley Madison scandal, it’s possible that Dore is lying to cover himself from getting caught up in a massive ignominy.