Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) announced his support for the Iran nuclear deal on Friday, making him the first Jewish congressman from New York to do so, reported The Hill.

“Although we know that Iran will remain a menace to the region and the world, even without nuclear weapons, a nuclear armed Iran would represent an unacceptable threat to the United States, to Israel and to global security,” said Nadler in a statement. “With respect to this objective, the interests of the United States and Israel are identical, even as there are different views on how to achieve it.”

Nadler broke from the trend of Democratic Jewish congress members from New York who have announced their opposition to the Iran nuclear deal. Sen. Chuck Schumer and Reps. Eliot Engel, Nita Lowey, and Steve Israel have announced their opposition to the deal as Jewish support for the Iran deal is hard to come by.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has led the outspoken campaign against the Iran nuclear deal. Many pro-Israel advocates have followed Netanyahu in their opposition of the deal. However, anti-war advocates have been just as outspoken in their support of the deal. MoveOn, an anti-war group, responded to Schumer’s opposition by pulling $8.3 million in contributions from him and other adversaries of the deal.

Thankfully, there are some Congress members, like Nadler, who chose the reasonable path and supported the deal.