The Iowa chairman for Rick Perry’s presidential campaign, Sam Clovis, is stepping down. A sure sign that Perry’s 2016 presidential campaign is already in its waning days.

Clovis claimed that his lack of payment, he has been working as a volunteer, is the cause for his decision.

“I feel bad for the campaign and I feel bad for Governor Perry because I think he’s a marvelous human being, he’s a great man and it was my honor to be a part of this, but it was just time to move on,” Clovis said to the Washington Post.

Clovis received offers from other campaigns and said that he expects to sign on with one of Perry’s rivals in the next few days. “I’m going to go where there’s the best fit,” said Clovis.

Donald Trump and his campaign have received praise from Clovis recently. Talking about Trump’s appearance in Mobile, Alabama last week, Clovis offered glowing praise.

“What the hell else do you have to do on a Friday night except watch Donald Trump in a football stadium? It was fascinating. It’s like watching NASCAR. You just can’t take your eyes off the cars,” he said.

Perry’s campaign expressed that it is carrying on and remains committed to the campaign.

“Gov. Perry remains committed to competing in Iowa, as well as South Carolina and New Hampshire, and there are many people across the country who continue to work to elect Rick Perry as president,” said Lucy Nash, a spokeswoman for the Perry campaign. “We wish Sam the best in his next endeavor.”