Andy Parker, the father of the late Alison Parker who was killed in Virginia last week along with cameraman Adam Ward, is calling out politicians entrenched with the NRA.

Parker went on CNN’s State of the Union Sunday and gave a passionate plea improving the system of buying guns. He also published an op-ed in the Washington Post that same day. In it, he calls out politicians he holds personally accountable for their complicity with the NRA.

Front and center was Republican Bob Goodlatte.

“In his more than two years as chairman of the Judiciary Committee, Goodlatte has had plenty of opportunity to bring up universal background check legislation and other gun violence prevention bills. He has refused to lead on this issue, and has done absolutely nothing to help contain the carnage we are seeing,” he wrote. “On the other hand, Goodlatte had no problem cashing his check from the National Rifle Association during the 2014 election cycle.”

“Shame on him,” Parker wrote.

Parker also called out Senator John Edwards and William Stanley Junior.

Alison’s father is making good on his promise that he would not rest until change has been made on gun regulation and not letting her death be in vain.