Tennessee Judge Jeffrey M. Atherton says he can no longer grant divorces to straight couples because the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that same-sex couples can marry.  Judge Atherton says the Supreme Court opinion is such a mockery of the judicial process that it means he has no legal decisionmaking when it comes to marriage. Thus, he says until such times as the U.S. Supreme Court rules when and how a divorce must be granted, he no longer will grant divorces.

Judge Atherton wrote: “With the U.S. Supreme Court having defined what must be recognized as a marriage, it would appear that Tennessee’s judiciary must now await the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court as to what is not a marriage, or better stated, when a marriage is no longer a marriage.”

What is with these Christian Holierthanthou elected officials who believe they only have to follow laws that they morally agree with, and why is it that every time these individuals take these incredulous stances we later find out that they are complete hypocrites. Ring of Fire predicts that Judge Atherton has something in his closet that he doesn’t want anyone to see, and certainly does not comply with his stated position on God’s Law.

To read more on this story, click Tenn. judge refuses to grant straight couple a divorce because … gay marriage