The police in Irving, Texas violated Ahmed Mohamed’s civil rights when they denied his request to speak to his parents during detainment and interrogation.

According to Texas Family Code, “A child may not be left unattended in a juvenile processing office and is entitled to be accompanied by the child’s parent, guardian, or other custodian or by the child’s attorney.” Irving police broke this law, thus violating Mohamed’s civil rights.

During his detainment, Mohamed repeatedly requested to have his parents present while police interrogated him about the digital clock he built and brought to school to impress his teachers. Mohamed didn’t see or speak to his parents until after he was released from a juvenile detention center.

Police also failed to notify Mohamed’s parents of his whereabouts. Accord to the Texas Family Code, any “person taking a child into custody shall promptly give notice of the person’s action and a statement of the reason for taking the child into custody, to the child’s parent, guardian, or custodian.”

The event was a culmination of many mistakes made one after another, all on the part of the school, teachers, and law enforcement.

For more on this story, visit The Daily Beast Police Violated Ahmed Mohamed’s Civil Rights by Keeping Away His Parents