Donald Trump cannot take the political heat of having his own statements thrown back to him. He has now threatened a “multimillion dollar lawsuit” against the Club for Growth for its political attack ads that call Trump out for his liberal background.

Trump had a cease and desist letter sent by his general counsel, Alan Garten, on his business letterhead. The letter claims that the Club for Growth needs to stop running ads that claim Trump wants to increase taxes on the “superwealthy,” as Trump no longer believes that.

The letter ends with a proposition:

In the interest of avoiding what will certainly be a costly litigation process, we are prepared to offer you the one-time opportunity to rectify this matter by providing us with your prompt written assurances that (i) you have stopped running the Attack Ads; and (ii) you will not generate or disseminate any misleading or inaccurate information or make any factually baseless accusations… with respect to my client at any point in the future.

The Club for Growth responded to Trump’s threat.

“Tough guy Donald Trump starts whining when his liberal record is revealed,” Club for Growth President David McIntosh said. “Trump has advocated higher taxes numerous times over many years, just like he’s advocated for universal health care, the Wall Street bailout, and expanded government powers to take private property.”

“Trump’s own statements prove that our ads are accurate. They will continue to run. We suggest that Donald grow up, stop whining, and try to defend his liberal record.”

For more on this, read the article from the Hill titled: “Trump threatens to sue Club for Growth over attack ads.”