Last week, Kim Davis received the Cost of Discipleship Award at the Values Voter Summit. Mat Staver and Tony Perkins introduced Davis, saying that she is a good example by not allowing her office to issue marriage licenses to gay couples.

“These are times in history that are unlike anything that we had before,” said Staver. “God birthed Kim Davis, and Joe Davis, and each one of you for this moment in American and world history … [God is] looking for people who love Jesus Christ and who will stand for Him, who will not flinch when their time is called and that person is Kim Davis and Joe Davis. May God raise up more.”

Perkins continued in much the same vein as Staver, saying that there needs to be more like Kim Davis.

“Kim Davis should not be an outlier,” said Perkins. “Kim Davis should not be something that surprises America. There should be Kim Davises in every elected office, at every level, who say ‘No’ to judges who redefine the revealed truth of God.”
