Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush is down in the polls, and his donors are threatening to pull out if his numbers don’t improve.

Bush was once considered to be a top contender for the Republican nomination, but that assumption was based on nothing substantial other than his namesake. Currently, Bush sits at seven percent in a national NBC News/Wall Street Journal released on Sunday. Much like former candidate Scott Walker, Bush had big money support but faces a similar fate that could result in Bush’s departure from the race.

Republican strategists blame Bush’s struggling campaign on the fact that he’s suffered from an “identity crisis” while many potential voters struggle to separate Jeb from his brother.

“I think if people get to know Jeb and they give him a chance, he’s going to be tough to beat,” said strategist Henry Barbour. “But they don’t know him yet. And you’ve got a right wing of the party that is almost determined not to get to know him. They want to believe that because they disagree with him on a couple issues that he’s not their guy.”

Bush contends that his standing in the polls don’t matter. However, they matter to his donors and the Bush campaign has become highly dependent on big money donors. When Bush loses the money, he’ll lose the race. 

For more on this story, visit the Washington PostIt’s make or break time for Jeb Bush”