A BBC film crew was finally granted access inside the Loyal White Knights of Alabama, a Ku Klux Klan group. The Loyal White Knights are the largest KKK chapter in the United States, and a clip from the documentary, filmed by the crew, shows one Klansman describing how the groups have various members including teachers, military personnel, and even politicians.

“Most of the majority of our people are in the military,” one said. “We all have our concealed weapons permits.”

The Klansman also noted that many are politicians and refused to divulge the identity of said members. The filmmaker, Dan Murdoch, stated that “Many of the Klansmen I met are convinced that a violent, all-out race war is on the horizon. I met Klansmen training armed militias for that moment. To them, a race war is very real.”

For more on this story, visit Addicting Info “Alabama KKK Rolls Include Politicians, Teachers, Medical Professionals, Military”