This past weekend, Marco Rubio was interviewed by a CBS affiliate station, KCCI News 8. During the interview, Rubio made it completely clear that he believes someone profits from the abortions performed by Planned Parenthood.

Rubio even went so far as to suggest that people “not just look forward to having more abortions but being able to sell that fetal tissue.”


Rubio: There is a strong bipartisan consensus in America that taxpayer money should not be used to fund abortions. And in the case of Planned Parenthood, number one, it is very unclear how all that money is intermingled, and number two, they have now been exposed for being involved in the trafficking of fetal human tissue for profit.

Host: What do you say to the people who have medical issues that that fetal human tissue has helped provide medical research, and has helped these people live better lives? What do you say to those people?

Rubio: So there are cases — we’re now getting into the weeds on it, but it’s an important question. And there are cases where a child is miscarried or there’s some other natural end of a pregnancy. And in those cases, if there’s something that can be salvaged from it that could help someone else, [I’m] for it, no different than organ donation. Or unfortunately, someone who’s young and health dies in a car accident. I had a relative who died an untimely death, and his organs were harvested and helped save people and provide organs for them.

That’s different from saying, ‘We’re going to take the fetal tissue of aborted fetuses.’ Because now what you’ve done is you’ve created an industry. You’ve created an incentive for people to be pushed into abortions so that tissues can be harvested and sold for a profit.

Host: Don’t you think that’s a stretch? Pushing people into abortions?

Rubio: Absolutely. If you go to one of these centers, young women are provided with very few options. In many places, they’re not told anything about, for example, adoption services that might be available to them. In essence, you come in and it’s already predetermined. This is what this place does. It provides abortions, and we are going to channel you in that direction.

I just think you’ve created an industry now – a situation where very much, you’ve created an incentive for people not just to look forward to having more abortions, but being able to sell that fetal tissue – these centers – for purposes of making a profit off it, as you’ve seen in some of these Planned Parenthood affiliates.