Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump will go to the United Kingdom Supreme Court to challenge the construction of an 11-turbine wind farm near his Aberdeenshire golf development. Trump wants to derail the wind farm development because he said it will “spoil the view.”

The Scottish government recently approved the development plans for the wind farm within sight of his golf course on Menie Estate. Trump will fund his case and said he will take it up further in European courts. Officials are angry that Trump would use his wealth for such a petty pursuit.

“Donald Trump should be using his vast wealth to do good instead of trying kill off initiatives that will create jobs, boost the economy and help cut carbon emissions,” said Lang Banks of WWF Scotland.

“Once up and running, this test facility will be ideally placed to help test the technologies needed to harness Scotland’s huge offshore renewables potential, ensuring learning by industry, and playing an important role in helping to drive down costs,” Banks added.

The Supreme Court said its decision-making was “vindicated” and the work of the group in pushing the wind farm was reasonable. The UK Supreme Court will deliver its verdict at a later date.

For more on this story, visit Guardian “Donald Trump takes campaign against windfarms to UK supreme court