Under George W. Bush’s administration, the Department of Justice allowed voter ID laws and Bush appointed two Supreme Court Justices who ended up voting against the Voting Rights Act. Bush’s brother, Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush, still says George protected voting right too much.

Former President Bush did, however, sign legislation that reauthorized much of the Voting Rights Act, but Jeb Bush said on Thursday that move put too many “regulations on top of states.” Jeb also said that America has done enough to fight racist voter suppression laws. “There’s been dramatic improvement in access to voting,” he said.

Jeb’s claims are wrong. Republican-led states have exerted much effort in curbing minorities’ access and ability to vote. The state of Florida, for example, suffered from massive GOP efforts to institute voter ID laws, and the legislature engaged in rampant gerrymandering campaigns to split Democratic districts.

People like Jeb Bush are the problem. He’s either unaware or chooses to ignore the Republican war on minority voters.

For more on this story, visit ThinkProgressJeb Bush Says His Brother Did Too Much To Protect Voting Rights”