The owner of an NFL franchise supports anti-gay policies and donated $10,000 to a group devoted to fighting the LGBT community.

Bob McNair, owner of the Houston Texans franchise, donated $10,000 to “Campaign for Houston,” an anti-LGBT group fighting against the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance. The ordinance is designed to allow transgender individuals to use public restrooms of their new, respective genders.

The opposing groups are largely comprised of conservative Christians seeking to discriminate against 13 groups that stand to receive protections from the ordinance. The ordinance’s supporters believe that the protections will benefit Houston’s economy and image.

The city of Houston is hosting the 2017 Super Bowl, and Mayor Annise Parker, the city’s openly gay mayor, says derailing the ordinance will harm Houston’s reputation.

For more on this story, visit CBS News “Houston Texans owner donates $10,000 to anti-LGBT group”