Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush’s campaign is flatlining, but the candidate is trying to bring it back from the dead by vowing to “fix” Washington D.C.

Bush spoke to supporters in Tampa, Florida and told them that he was a reformer who wanted to fix the problems that plague the nation’s capitol.

“Some people on the debate stage talked of a country that was once great, but now is in dramatic decline,” Bush said, in a veiled reference to businessman Donald Trump. “They say our best days are behind us. I acknowledge the difficulties and challenges we face. But I reject this kind of thinking.”

Bush also took shots at his presidential rival and fellow Floridian Marco Rubio. He nailed down on Rubio being inexperienced and described him as a Washington insider.

Bush’s campaign is done. He’s become too associated with his father and brother and hasn’t improved in the polls enough to continue fundraising.

For more on this story, visit the Huffington PostJeb Bush Attempts To Reboot Campaign With Vow To ‘Fix’ Washington”