Pope Francis has breathed new life into the Catholic Church, even non-Catholics lend their support to the progressive pontiff. Without Francis, the Catholic Church would likely fall further into becoming an antiquated organization.

Pope Francis has taken a hardline progressive stance against all kinds of global injustice: poverty, discrimination against gays and divorced people, climate change, and corporate greed. His stances have earned him many enemies, but they are the right enemies to have.

The two preceding popes, Benedict XVI and John Paul II, operated a conservative regime in the Catholic church. John Paul II was more conservative but was still very much involved with the Church. Benedict XVI was more of a lame duck, ceremonial pope who didn’t do much. Needless to say, Pope Francis is a breath of fresh air.

Francis has created a new era and culture in the Catholic Church. He’s hard on corporations, religious fundamental crazies, and he’s addressed corruption and sexual abuse within the Church.

For more on this story, visit Reader Supported NewsPope Francis: Securing the Future of the Roman Catholic Church”