In light of the recent release of thousands of non-violent drug offenders from overcrowded prisons across America, the host of The O’Reilly Factor Bill O’Reilly demanded that we not be more forgiving of drug offenders, but rather hang them across the board.

During Tuesday’s broadcast, O’Reilly suggested that Singapore’s severe drug policy should be the model that the US follows. O’Reilly went on to detail the problem that Singapore faced with Opium and the extreme way in which they dealt with it. “They have no problem” O’Reilly said. “Why? They hang ’em.”

O’Reilly seems to completely forget that drug offenders and other criminals are people. But then again, it is poor and disadvantaged groups who are prosecuted for low level drug crimes, not millionaires like Bill, so why should he worry? As O’Reilly puts it: “Bingo. No drug problem.”

Watch a discussion from The Young Turks to learn more: