A radically religious Christian couple from Georgia are being charged with horrible abuse of their adopted daughter who claims she was kept in unlivable conditions during her six years in the home.

The victim was homeschooled from the time she was adopted at age 9 and was subjected to multiple daily tortures based on biblical proverbs and commandments.

Among the unspeakable abuses, the girl was forced to sleep in a chicken coop with no clothes, stay locked in a shed with various chemicals and no air circulation during her menstruation, was beaten regularly, and was often deprived of food for long periods of time.

Witnesses and the victim herself claim that these abuses were handed down due to to various biblical interpretations, though the couples three adult children appear to have bypassed the same level of severity.

The girl was discovered by CPS in 2012, locked in a padlocked shed which the parents claimed was her room. They claimed that they did not have enough room in the home and admitted to not feeding her for over 30 hours.

Abuser Diane Franklin’s trial is ongoing, while her husband’s trial will begin in December. Here’s to hoping that they throw the book at these religious fanatics.

For more on the story, visit Addicting Info  “Christian Homeschooling Parents Abused, Starved And Imprisoned Child Because God (VIDEO).”