This week’s Ring of Fire, hosted by Mike Papantonio: Sundays at 12pm Eastern, 9am Pacific.

This week on Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV:  The U.S. Supreme Court recently heard arguments on a case that could allow our corporate court to completely gut the Voting Rights Act.  Ring of Fire co-host, and host of The Majority Report, Sam Seder joins us for a discussion on what could happen if our corporate court strips our voting safeguards.

Credit rating agencies have been under fire recently, as a new FTC report has revealed that they are operating without any oversight, causing credit ratings for millions of Americans to be damaged.  Attorney Howard Nations will give us the details on that story.

The battle for the soul of the Republican Party is heating up, with the Tea Party squaring off against old guard GOP operatives like Karl Rove.  Alternet’s Adele Stan will join us to talk about the demise of this once-formidable party.

Online safety concerns have reached a new level in America, as more and more scams are being uncovered by authorities.  The latest scams that have been uncovered involve Chinese hackers using a method known as Spear Phishing to target unsuspecting consumers.  We’ll discuss the process of spear phishing, and how consumers can protect themselves with attorney Chris Paulos.

And we’ll find out why pharmaceutical companies are pushing doctors to prescribe new, more expensive, and less effective medications to their patients – medications that carry significantly higher risks than alternatives – with attorney Seth Katz.

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