During Saturday night’s debate, Presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders distanced himself from Hillary Clinton by placing the bulk of the blame for ISIS on the shoulders of those who voted for the Iraq war.

Sanders may be edgy in his political views, but his rhetoric often comes off as a mix between too angry and too docile. As shown in his famous “damn emails” comment, Sanders does not take advantage of opportunities to smear his candidates, choosing instead to focus on the issues for better or for worse.

Last night, though, Bernie used his calm demeanor to attack Hillary for her war-mongering past.

“Let me have one area of disagreement with the secretary,” asked Sanders. “I think she said something like the bulk of the responsibility [for ISIS] is not ours. Well, in fact, I would argue that the disastrous invasion of Iraq, something that I strongly opposed, has unraveled the region completely and led to the rise of al Qaeda and to ISIS.”

Watch at the 11:15 mark: