While Americans may view Canada as our dopey and overpolite upstairs neighbor, the truth is that Canada has quickly turned into America’s sleeker, more developed big brother.

Looking at Canada’s recent election of a progressive prime minster and the looming U.S. election in 2016, it is not difficult to conclude that America and Canada seem to be heading in totally different directions- and the U.S. is not coming out on top.

  • While the U.S. seriously considers putting xenophobic, racist, misogynistic Donald Trump in the White House, Canada has just elected liberal center-left prime minster Justin Trudeau, a fresh face in Canadian politics who has already made giant advancements.
  • While the U.S. continues its war on drugs, with the DEA head saying that medical marijuana is a joke, and a record number of low-level drug users imprisoned, Canada is on the brink of legalizing weed completely.
  • While millennials in the U.S. struggle to pay off student loans and continue living with their parents for far longer than they’d like to, Canadian millennials are doing just fine, with half owning real estate and with much lower rates of student loan debt overall.
  • While the U.S. makes moves to bar all Syrians, or all Muslims, from entering the country, Canada’s PM Trudeau recently welcomed a plane of 163 refugees with open arms, saying “you’re safe at home now.”

Clearly, there is a lot more to Canada these days than frequent apologies and hockey, eh?

Is it time for the U.S. to take up our new role as inferior and behind the times, or will we work to take our place alongside Canada by moving forward with progress?