Police in San Diego tried desperately to prevent the public release of a surveillance video from an alleyway which would reveal what exactly happened when a cop confronted and murdered a mentally handicapped man who was armed with nothing more than a pen.

The officer responded to a call that a crazed man was threatening bystanders with a knife, but he failed to turn on his body camera before the encounter, leaving nothing but the cop’s word to explain what occurred.

The police chief had previously said that she would only release body cam footage in the case of a “riot-type situation,” but this footage was not from a body cam but from a privately-owned surveillance camera.

The footage will be released in the next week if no one appeals the release and then we can find out what exactly, these cops were trying to hide.

A man has been murdered due to the rash actions of a cop and it is only through the release of footage like this that we can surmise what exactly happened.

One cannot help but think about the release of footage which revealed the cold-blooded murder of teenager Laquan McDonald. May the release of this video give the victim of this shooting the same kind of justice that McDonald’s family is now receiving.