In a political piece on Salon by Conor Lynch, he echoes what we at Ring of Fire have been saying about Millennials for a long time; that they are receiving the short end of the stick and are resentful of the current systems in place. They are longing for change, and for many, that change comes in the form of Senator Bernie Sanders.

Here is an excerpt from the piece, though we encourage you to read the entire article to learn about the many disadvantages that Millennials face:

Millennials are inheriting all of these nightmarish problems, but surely they do not have to inherit the unsound philosophy that has created or exasperated them. Sanders and his political philosophy provide an alternative that gives Millennials hope in a future that currently looks bleak. And at a time when a fascist is dominating the other party’s primary, hope is in short supply.

Here is our commentary on the Millennial problem from contributor Sydney Robinson.