According to a recent Monmounth University Poll, Bernie Sanders has overtaken Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire and commands the lead by 14 points.

An impressive 53 percent of projected primary voters chose Sanders, compared to HRC’s dwindling 39 percent. Having maintained his popularity with younger voters and registered independents, Sanders successfully curbed Hillary’s edge with registered Democrats, women, and older voters.

Cinching every NH voter demographic, Sanders leads by 34 percent among new and independent voters, 25 percent among men, 28 percent among voters under fifty, 6 percent among older voters, and has even surpassed Hillary among women voters by 6 percent.

While Clinton is still leading among Democrats nationally by 18 points according to recent Marist/Wall Street Journal/NBC polling, Bernie’s campaign continues to gain traction among voter niches Hillary needs, and his lead in New Hampshire only further proves that she needs to be worried.