Ernie Boch Jr., President and CEO of Subaru in New England recently compared supporting Trump to choosing a woman to go to home with at a bar at 2 a.m.. Boch, looking a bit like a sad Weird Al knockoff (Apologies to Weird Al), said that Trump may have several bad attributes about his candidacy, but that “his pros far outweigh his cons.”

Boch painted the picture of a desperate man at the end of the night at a bar, looking at the women in the room predatorily, deciding whom would be the best to take home that night. The implication is that none of the choices are ideal, but that in Boch’s case, he is desperate enough to take what he can get.

“If you’re single, you understand this. . . You have to pick somebody. You have to pick somebody”

“So you’re saying he’s the least worst decision you could make if you’re in the final moments of having to make one?” Cuomo asked, flabbergasted.

Boch said that like spending the night with an anonymous stranger from the bar, voting was a thing you must do, regardless of your choices. Its a gross analogy, and it is even more gross to think of the nation going home with Trump at the end of the night.