Gee, things are getting a little cozy over there in GOP candidate land. On Wednesday, Presidential candidate Carly Fiorina suspended her campaign after placing seventh in the New Hampshire primary.

Fiorina released a letter announcing the end of her campaign onto Facebook, saying that she will continue to fight for the issues she believes in. She also, as always, jabbed at Hillary Clinton by urging women and girls to vote based on beliefs rather than gender.

“While I suspend my candidacy today, I will continue to travel this country and fight for those Americans who refuse to settle for the way things are and a status quo that no longer works for them.”

Fiorina was most known for her strong pro-life stance and her erroneous charges that women’s health organization Planned Parenthood was selling fetal tissue.

Fiorina had received an early polling bump in the election and showing a promising start in the first GOP debate, but her higher polling numbers quickly dropped off and she never quite recovered. Last week, she was left out of the GOP debate completely due to a low polling rate and no other under card competitors to argue with.