During Friday’s Conservative Political Action Conference, presidential candidate Ted Cruz took to the stage to talk to the group of young conservatives about the election and the state of the Republican party.

It is well-documented that Cruz is not a favorite among his conservative co-workers in the Senate, with many saying that his unbudging efforts to shut down the government was the alienating factor.

During Friday’s CPAC, Cruz proved two things: One, that he is actually a gifted speaker when he is on a stage like this. His tone and fluidity of speech matches that of any gifted pastor. It is the talent many have heard about from Cruz’s history as a debate award-winner but one we don’t get to see too often in this longer form.

Two, is that even when he is doing his very best to appeal to conservatives, he still gets booed. Cruz made the terrible mistake of attempting to criticize Donald Trump during the CPAC event, and despite the fact that Trump himself had skipped the event, the crowd began chanting his name and booing Cruz.
