While Democratic candidates Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton were busy fighting for the support of the American people during a CNN debate, the people of Maine were busy casting their vote in the primary election.

The lively debate was interrupted for the breaking news that CNN and other outlets were projecting that Maine had chosen Sanders as their Democratic nominee, bringing his number of primary wins to eight. As of this morning, with 91 percent reporting, Sanders sits at 64.3 percent to Clinton’s 35.5.

With this win, the gap between Clinton and Sanders is shrinking quickly, and the idea that Sanders is as good as finished becomes more and more preposterous. Not counting Superdelegates, Clinton now holds 672 delegates to Sanders’ 477. These numbers, while still stacked against the Senator, do not in any way indicate that the race is over.

Mainstream corporate media was content to make room for Sanders when it appeared that his momentum was not going to slow, but now that things have gotten more complicated, most outlets are content to once again push Sanders away. Do not be fooled into believing that this race is over just because MSNBC and CNN tell you it is. Sanders’ revolution is still raging.