If you have been paying attention, it should come as no surprise that The Washington Post is unabashedly biased against Senator Bernie Sanders. The first clear example of this bias came at the end of January when WaPo published an article titled, “Bernie Sanders’s fiction-filled campaign,” under the authorship of the entire Editorial Board.

In the article, the publication claimed that Senator Sanders’s campaign was not a sign of a shift in the Democratic party at all but merely a cleverly crafted fiction that sought to check off all of the wish lists for progressive liberals. The article was so anti-Sanders that it argued that Wall Street had already been adequately regulated, negating a major part of Bernie’s platform (What? Since when?).

It has been nearly a month and a half since that blatantly biased article was published, and in the meantime Washington Post has been working diligently to discredit and diminish the growth of Sanders’s campaign. Stunningly, in just the last 16 hours, WaPo has posted 16 anti-Sanders articles, attacking him on his debate style, his promise to reduce incarceration rates, and attempting to compare Sanders to both Donald Trump and Ted Cruz among other things.

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At this point, you really have to give it to the Washington Post. When they commit to smearing a candidate, they truly commit. No matter what Sanders does, he will remain the unrealistic, fiction-filled candidate. I suppose that makes Hillary the honest, pragmatic one?

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