Ann Coulter appeared on “The Flipside with Michael Loftus” (apparently anyone can make a Youtube channel these days) this week to fawn over Donald Trump and brag about her latest not-fit-for-tissue-paper book, “Adios America,” which she claims is where Trump found his inspiration for the divisive comment that started it all: Mexican rapists.

“It’s really important, and Donald Trump read it so you can understand everything that’s happening over the next year. It’s where he got that spicy stuff on Mexican rapists.”

Only someone as cowardly and insipid as Coulter would proudly lay claim to Trump’s cornerstone racist campaign. It’s the kind of insidious stirring of the pot that she loves to do.

Coulter also says in this interview that if Trump were elected and “saves us all,” she may actually stop publishing books! That’s one tiny bright spot in an endless sky of doom.
