Director of the Bernalillo County, New Mexico Republican Party, and insufferable misogynist, Steve Kush, flew off the handle on his Twitter and Facebook account Tuesday, writing a slew of inappropriate remarks referencing a 19-year-old girl who is a volunteer with Working America as well as targeting the director of the volunteer program. The girl testified before the county commission Tuesday promoting the benefits of fair wages, as Bernalillo County proposed to increase the minimum wage from $7.50 to $8.50.

Kush did not take too kindly to the young girl’s suggestion that minimum wage should be raised, taking to his personal Twitter account, saying, “Nice hat, Working America chick, but damn you are a radical bitch.”

His rant did not stop there. Kush then went after Working America’s state director, Chelsey Evans, who also testified at the county commission.

“Uh oh… another Working America chick… nice boots… I know she makes more than min wage,” Kush wrote on his Facebook, clearly targeting Evans.

As if his previous comment wasn’t bad enough, Kush then added, “She was hot enough to almost make me register Democrat.”


Krysta Loera is a writer and researcher with Ring of Fire. Follow her on Twitter @KrystaLoera