Talking to people on the street is an easy and often entertaining tactic for television shows and online entertainment channels. It is usually pretty easy to exploit the stupidity of Americans in order to get a few laughs. The video we are about to show you does that, but this version of the formula is a little more sobering.

A producer for Fox Business’s “Stossel” took to the streets to ask pedestrians if they could tell whether a handful of quotes came from Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. All of the quotes sounded fairly liberal and Democratic in nature so people unanimously agreed that they came from Clinton. They were all wrong. Each quote, while sounding as far from conservative as it could, was straight from the mouth of Donald J. Trump.

This video, by being broadcast on Fox, is seemingly trying to cast Trump in a negative light by comparing him to Clinton (there’s nothing Republicans hate more than Hillary!), but from a progressive point of view it is just terrifying to see that a man who once held such moderate views can now be so extremely opposite and people are apparently fine with it.

Trump is whoever you want him to be right now, but if he wins the office, he won’t answer to anyone else but himself. He doesn’t care about you. He doesn’t want to “Make America Great Again” for you. He just wants the trophy.
