When Donald Trump was asked about the tragic and very serious events that occurred Tuesday morning in Brussels, the first thing he brought up was his position in the Republican primary race, saying that he has been talking about “this” for much longer than anyone. What “this” is is unclear, but the fact that Trump would bring up his polling numbers instead of commenting on the tragic event or even offering his condolences is disgusting.

On The Today Show as information was rolling in concerning the Brussels bombing that killed dozens, Trump called in on his cell phone to comment on the attacks and to weigh in on what he would do if an event like this occurred while he was (God forbid) serving as president.

Trump went to his old standby, demanding that we must have a strong U.S. border (what does that have to do with this attack?), and insulting Brussels, calling it a “total mess.”

Trump was pressed to say who exactly he would prevent from entering the U.S. border. The candidate offered up a confusing qualifier:

“I would exclude the people coming in from Syria that don’t have documentation. People coming in from the migrant line that interestingly have cell phones in many cases, but you say ‘how did they get the cell phone and where did they get the bills paid?'”

Beware, migrants seeking political asylum – if you have a cell phone, Trump won’t be letting you in because that is apparently suspicious activity. What?!

Trump is doing exactly what will work on people who cower in fear to terrorism. Don’t give in to the fear.