On Saturday, our most Western neighbors will be weighing in on the Democratic side to help determine which candidate will head the liberal party in the general election. Hawaii, Alaska, and Washington will be participating in caucus events to place their vote.

Hopes are high in the Sanders campaign as the states have shown promising favor toward the underdog candidate. Sanders will need strong wins, not just a barely majority, in order to continue forward as a competitor.

All three states will hold caucuses, which tend to favor Sanders.

In Hawaii, representative Tulsi Gabbard’s strong support for Sanders will have a strong influence and her confidence in his military-leading abilities can’t hurt public opinion either.

Alaska and Washington’s largely white and rural populations tend to trend toward Sanders, and the Friday afternoon appearance of a cute bird on Sanders’s podium during a stump speech in Portland, Oregon is surely a positive omen.

If Sanders does indeed run away with the entire day’s winnings, it will mean another significant boost in the  “yes he can” column for those still unsure.