On Tuesday night’s “The Nightly Show,” frequent guest Bill Nye (The Science Guy) returned to the roundtable to discuss the 2016 election and the role that climate change may or may not play in this season of politics.

Nye stressed the importance of a political focus on climate change, but said that so far there hasn’t been much lipservice given to the topic on either side of the aisle, particularly in the Republican party.

Of course, we all know the GOP stance on climate change, right? It never happened, it’s not real, and it’s snowing so it can’t be real!

But Nye made an important point when he said that belief in climate change is largely generational, and that young voters are most certainly turned off by the Republican insistence that the massive change in global climate is not really a thing. For the Republican party to survive, says Nye, they must give in to scientific fact and embrace climate change.
