Things are going down in flames at Glenn Beck’s media empire The Blaze, as of Thursday, the online operation has cut staff drastically.

40 people found themselves out of a job at the right-wing outlet on Thursday in response to demands made from a massive multi-million dollar loan taken out by Beck to keep the empire afloat.

Those affected by the layoffs include 20 in New York, 12 in Washington, 5 in Ohio, and 2-3 in LA.

The layoffs have raised questions for many who question Beck’s leading abilities. Similar layoffs occurred last May shortly after Beck purchased a private jetliner and a $200,000 Maybach sedan.

All of this comes shortly after the  announcement that right-wing radio darling Rush Limbaugh might soon be ousted from the airwaves as his massive contract with Cumulus comes to an end.

Whether America is beginning to tire of the endless right-wing scream-athons or if Beck is just a really, really, bad businessman, we can’t help but be grateful that yet another worthless Republican shill is turning to ash before our eyes.