What’s the last thing you want to hear your boss say when he fires you?

“It’s not me, it’s you!”

But that’s exactly what right-wing scumbag Glenn Beck said of his nearly 40 laid-off employees after the news broke that his failing Blaze empire was sizing down significantly.

During his radio show on Friday, Beck responded to various news sources commenting on the shakedown by saying that his managers had turned the show into a big, successful media outlet which is not what he ever wanted!

No, Beck said that essentially, he wanted The Blaze to struggle and stay small, never earning him any money or notoriety (Right).

“I’m a trusting guy. I think anybody on the show will tell you my biggest problem is I trust everybody. I trusted the people that ran my company that they wanted the same things.”

“Even though the managers were all saying the right things to me, those things were never getting done… I didn’t know who really got the vision—who got it and who didn’t.”

“These people were my friends, they were my partners. They didn’t love the audience like I did.”

What a class act! I mean, we knew Beck was a grade-A ass, but we didn’t know he would be so cruel to his own ilk!