If you pay attention to corporate media, you may have noticed that there’s been a stark lack in coverage of a certain presidential candidate in recent weeks. Yes, corporate media seems to have come to a conclusion that is not yet foregone that Clinton will be the Democratic nominee, causing them to go back to their earlier stance of ignoring the existence of Senator Bernie Sanders entirely.

Despite this popular shift, Senator Sanders told his supporters on Monday on the eve of yet another primary in West Virginia that now is not the time to throw in the towel.

We have now won over 45 percent of the pledged delegates. There are nine more primaries and caucuses remaining. Tomorrow [there’s] one in West Virginia — we hope to win there.”

Sanders has always maintained that there is certainly a way forward for his campaign, and that the impressive results nationwide for the Sanders campaign makes it clear that there is still a reason for the underdog candidate to remain in the race.

“If we can win here in New Jersey and win in California and win in some of the other states, and if we can win a majority of the pledged delegates, we’re gonna go into Philadelphia and the Democratic convention and expect to come out with the Democratic nomination. So don’t let — don’t let anybody tell you this campaign is over. We’re gonna fight for the last vote we can find in New Jersey and California.”

Of course, Sanders isn’t delusional. He knows that his chances of making it to the White House is a lot more of a longshot than it once was, but he is committed to the fight until the very last vote.

“It is an uphill fight. But I have been used to uphill fights my entire life. And I want you all to know that this campaign will fight for every remaining vote in every remaining state.”