During a recent Democratic presidential primary rally held in Puerto Rico by Senator Bernie Sanders, the progressive candidate fielded questions from the audience, including one which asked if Sanders planned to legalize marijuana if he were to become president.

“Would you legalize marijuana?”

The question was translated from Spanish to English, so Sanders elected to respond to the question in the Spanish he knew.

“Si,” said Sanders to applause. He then told the audience that he doesn’t know a lot of Spanish, so he would give the rest of his answer in English.

“You see, my Spanish is good enough to know that word.”

Sanders then went on to discuss the detrimental affects that the illegality of marijuana has had on society, incarcerating millions for non-violent drug offenses which tear apart families and create lasting effects for generations.

Sanders has spoken out before against the strict regulations around marijuana, but his strong affirmation for the legalization of the low-risk substance shows that his plans to take on the prison industrial complex in America is multi-faceted and earnest.
