Terrible things are happening in Stanford, though not of course, to the Stanford rapist Brock Turner himself.

No, not only will Turner be facing just 6 months in jail (with a possibility of parole at 3 months if he behaves) for his violent rape of an unconscious woman, but now his family might be spared the cost of his legal fees due to the misallocated kindness of friends and strangers.

The “charity” apparently started early in May when an unidentified woman began a support page on Facebook for the parents of Turner. The page encouraged supporters to donate to the family and provided the means to do so.

The money went into a fund created by the father, Dan Turner, so clearly he felt he was entitled to accept money from people for the crimes of his own son, who he has maintained is innocent and has referred to the rape as “20 minutes of action.”

Anyone who gives money to this misplaced cause should feel ashamed of themselves.