During a radio broadcast on Wednesday, conservative commentator Hugh Hewitt made a strong statement that if the RNC doesn’t act fast and kick Trump out as the Republican nominee, the party will absolutely lose to Hillary Clinton in the fall.

Hewitt, who has moderated debates involving Donald Trump, proclaimed that RNC officials had better make moves – and fast – in order to block Trump’s nomination into the general election if they wanted to save the party and keep the presidency away from Clinton.

“The Republican national committee needs to step in and step up and talk to him about getting out of the race.”

But Hewitt focused on more than just the presidency and reminded the Republican base that the fight is over much more than just the highest elected office in the land.

“She’s gonna be president unless Republicans change their nominee. When the dust clears we will have lost the House, we will have lost the Senate, we will have lost governorships.”

Shh, Hewitt! You’re telling the repug idiots all of our liberal secrets!

Either way, Hewitt’s warning isn’t really telling the establishment anything they didn’t already know. If there is a single elected official who actually believes Trump will be elected president, they are living in a fantasy world from which they can never emerge.

Trump’s candidacy has done irreversible damage on American culture and morale, but it has done so much worse to the party from which the Frankenstein’s monster emerged.

Republicans may lose it all for their decades of stupid decisions. The party and Trump deserve each other.