Opportunist entrepeneur David Goss did what any good businessman does – he saw a gap in the market and he filled it with his new Donald Trump-focused dating site.

That’s right, if your heart burns for the Trumpman and you want to “make dating great again,” you can try to find yourself a like-minded lady or gent to attend rallies with and rant about minorities late into the night.

Ahh, romance.

Goss said that the site, TrumpSingles.com, is for “special people” to connect in their love for “special person” Trump. Goss says Trump supporters are just regular people like anyone else, but the site gives these persecuted folks the safe space to meet and date that they’ve been craving.

This may seem like a pretty gross site to many, but I’m just wondering if there’s a way we can move ALL Trump-loving singles to the site so that I don’t accidentally agree to go to dinner with a guy who thinks Trump is a good idea. We can dream.
