For the last two weeks – and probably for the next few weeks – America’s Lawyer Mike Papantonio has been in court facing off against DuPont. This is the second major DuPont trial that Pap has tried in the last 9 months over the company’s decision to pollute and poison an entire community with a chemical used in the manufacturing of Teflon. That chemical is known as C8, and it is a highly toxic chemical that causes severe adverse effects in people who are exposed to it, and the exposure continues for years since the chemical is biopersistent, meaning that it doesn’t get flushed out of the body.

A few months ago, we spoke with Tim O’Brien, one of the co-counsels on the C8 case – about the dangers of this chemical and about what DuPont knew before polluting a community, so let’s take a look…

Learn more about C8 and its health hazards here.