Though it may not be the sexiest way to bring about change, Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy and a handful of Senate Democrats joined together in a massive filibuster effort to force the governmental branch to hold a vote on minor, common-sense gun reform issues.

The group of Democrats held the floor for 15 hours, staying into the night to make the point and demand change.

By the time Murphy yielded the floor for the final time, the effort was deemed a success as Minority and Majority leaders had agreed to hold a vote on two key pieces of legislation.

Rather than simply being content with a token moment of silence, the body of government agreed to vote on gun control legislation in an election year – this feat is more impressive than many of us might realize.

So if you weren’t glued to C-SPAN for 15 hours yesterday, we encourage you to watch these last 7 or so minutes of Murphy’s stand to see the powerful argument he made.
