It wasn’t long ago that former congressman Joe Walsh was in TROFIRE headlines for saying that electing President Obama was the most racist action the United States has ever taken – including slavery.

Now, Walsh has rocketed to the front page of our publication for shooting off an ill-thought-out tweet which directly threatens the POTUS and declares a “war.”

Walsh sent out a tweet late Thursday evening, blaming the Black Lives Matter movement and the president for the shootings in Dallas which killed 5 police officers and injured several others.

rs dallas shooting tweet

Walsh claims that Twitter made him delete the message and maintains that he stands by it, with a bit of a caveat.

“Of course I didn’t mean ‘let’s go kill Obama and Black Lives Matter.’ I was not trying to incite violence against Obama and Black Lives Matter. That’s crazy and stupid and wrong. It would end my career and it’s wrong. I would never say anything as reprehensible as that.”

Sure, Walsh.
