On Sunday, Oklahoma Governor and Trump endorser Mary Fallin told CNN’s Jake Tapper that she believed her trusted candidate’s campaign was about racial healing.

Despite the nearly endless list of horrific racist and prejudiced statements made by Trump in the last year, Fallin said that she believed Trump would heal racial divides if he is made POTUS.

“I think he has tried to campaign as a racial healer. I think that has been part of his message. If you watch what he said this week when he talked about how devastating it was for Dallas and how we need to respect our law enforcement and how we need to pray for those who were killed and those who were injured.

You know, I think that is his intent. I trust him with his words and I think we all need to move towards being compassionate, loving, healing and yet also, respecting our law enforcement.”

Though we regularly are sold horrific lies like this daily in the media, Fallin’s straight-faced use of the phrase “racial healer” in reference to Trump of all people is so sickening it’s almost laughable.
