Few things are certain in life but death, taxes, and that Elizabeth Warren doesn’t plan on stopping her attacks on Donald Trump anytime soon.

Seizing on Trump’s greatest weakness, his insecurity, Senator Warren has not stopped her full-throated assault on the Republican nominee, calling him out on every lie and fear-monger as they happen in real-time.

This weekend, that meant that Warren used her speaking position at the nation’s largest Hispanic advocacy organization to rail against the hateful demagogue.

“We believe that diversity has made this country strong. And racism, sexism, homophobia, hatred, injustice, and bigotry have no place here.”

“We will never build Donald Trump’s stupid wall.”

“Hillary Clinton must be the next President of the United States, and Tim Kaine must be the next Vice President of the United States. Not ‘can’, not ‘should’, we must make them.”